PC Gamer (Italian) 28
PC Gamer IT CD 28 1-2.iso
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Before reading this section, you should have read the FLCS Installation
And Quick Start Guide, installed the FLCS software, acquainted yourself
with the very basic operation of the FLCS and spent some time enjoying
your favorite flight simulation or other game. Now you're ready to
explore the truly amazing versatility of the F-16 FLCS Flight Control
In this guide you'll learn:
What took place during the installation process.
About reading and understanding B50 files.
How to edit B50 files and create new ones.
More on downloading and game play options.
How to effectively use the MARK II WCS with the FLCS.
PLEASE! READ through this entire section BEFORE you begin to
work through step by step with the C&CC running.
What Happened During FLCS Software Installation?
When you loaded the FLCS software into your computer the installation
routine created a directory on your hard drive titled TM. Within the
TM directory two sub-directories were also created:
TM\B50PROGS:All the predetermined B50 files were stored here.
TM\UTILS: Joystick/TSR diagnostic programs were stored in this
Please DO NOT change the locations of the installed files or rename
the directories. The FLCS software program checks the specific
whereabouts of these directories and files for information on how
to operate the FLCS and FLCS/MARK II WCS properly.
The installation routine also added C:\TM to the path of your
Autoexec.bat file. Which simply means you can run the C&CC from
any prompt.
Enter the C&CC and bring up the Core Menu screen as
described in the FLCS Installation and Quick Start Guide.
This is the menu screen from which you were able to view,
print, and download the B50 file used to play your first game.
The C&CC Core Menu displays a single menu box in the center
of the screen designated Throttle and Stick Controls. Within
the menu box are four options: A. View/Print File, B. Download File,
C. Run Program and D. Create/Edit File. At the bottom center of
the menu box you will see F10 Full Menu. You will see more of
the F10 menu later in this guide. Other options are cover in the
Advanced User's Guide.
At the very bottom of your computer screen are function key
F1-Hlp - On-screen help.
F2-JSTK - Run TMScope (checks Joystick calibration).
F3-Keytest - Run Keytest.
F4-Files - View/Access Files in C:\TM.
F5-Falcon3 - Play Falcon3 (if you have game)2.
F6-HORNET - Play Hornet (if you have game).
F7-About - ThrustMaster Info - Address, phone, etc....
Esc-Exit - Exit TM C&CC.
Select option A from the Core Menu. This will bring up the
"View/Print Throttle and Stick" Directory and Filename screen.
The default directory (the directory pre-programmed to appear)
will be C:\TM\B50PROGS. The default filename extension will be
*.B50. All the B50 files that have been included with the FLCS
software are placed in this directory and have the file extension of
.B50. To the right of the filename extension bar appear a set of
parenthesis followed by the extension *.B50 and another set of
parenthesis followed by the extension *.M50. A "check mark"
will appear in the set of parenthesis preceding the *.B50 extension.
At this time, Do not make any changes to this screen. You will
learn more about modifying this screen later. For now,
familiarize yourself with the layout of the screen and then
select OK to move on.
You should now be looking at a screen with the title bar Files
in C:\TM\B50PROGS.
To the right of the title bar is [F2] Del. Pressing the F2
key or clicking on this area with your mouse will remove the
highlighted file from the directory. As a safeguard, a
message box will appear when F2 Del is activated prompting
you to answer yes or no with respect to continuing with the
deletion process. Directly below the title bar you will see
Directory or filename: with a file name appearing that
corresponds with the filename highlighted in the list of files.
By highlighting different files with your arrow keys you can
change the file that appears in the directory filename box.
Identifying the columns above the file listings are File (file name),
Date (date of creation), Time (time of downloading) and Size
(number of bytes). Below the listed files you have information
regarding the total number of files, total number of directories
and the amount of free (usable) space available on your hard drive.
2.1: Reading B50 Files
In the Quick Start Guide you downloaded a B50 file for running
FLCS with your flight sim or other application. Let's review
by using the ACES.B50 file as an example.
Highlight the file as before and enter the file by clicking on
it with your mouse or pressing Enter. The file on your screen
will look similar to the one that follows.
REM The file name of this file is ACES.B50
REM Aces of the Pacific
REM F16C Block 50 FLCS ADV file
REM Written and Tested by David Dickinson - August, 1994
REM +____________________________
REM ▌Mark II WCS Base Switch Settings
REM ▌Black Hat switch = Digital
REM ▌Red Switch = Digital
REM +____________________________
REM +____________________________
REM ▌Game Settings: (Settings required for this game to use WCSII)▌
REM +____________________________
REM Choose Normal JOYSTICK in AOTP
REM +__________________________+
REM ▌ Place Mdef files below this line (i.e. Mdef Newname)▌
REM +__________________________+
REM +____________________________+
REM ▌ Change 'TEMPLATE' to the name of the MDF file that you ▌
REM ▌ want your ADV file to reference. For example, if you ▌
REM ▌ create a new ADV file called NEWSIM.ADV, you might want▌
REM ▌ the line above to read 'Mdef NEWSIM'. ▌
REM +____________________________+
REM +____________________________
REM ▌ Place special macros below this line (i.e. @macroname, etc)▌
REM +____________________________
REM +____________+
REM ▌FLCS Buttons Commands: ▌
REM +____________+
BTN S1 Viewtoggle
BTN S2 Bombs
BTN S3 Guns
BTN S4 Unjam
BTN H1U Lookup
BTN H1L Lookleft
BTN H1R Lookright
BTN H1D Lookback
BTN H1M Lookforward
BTN H2U SendMessage
BTN H2L Msg"break_left"
BTN H2R Msg"break_right"
BTN H2D AbortMessage
BTN H3U Msgoption1
BTN H3L Msgoption3
BTN H3R Msgoption4
BTN H3D Msgoption2
BTN H4U Msgoption5
BTN H4L Msg"get_on_wing"
BTN H4R Msg"clear_tail"
BTN H4D Msg"attack_all"
REM +____________+
REM ▌WCS II Buttons Commands:▌
REM +____________+
REM @DigitalThrottle
BTN T1 MaxSafePower
BTN T2 Autopilot
BTN T3 Rockets
BTN T4 Tanks
BTN T5 Bail
BTN T6 /T DiveBrakes /T WheelBrakes
BTN T7 /P /N Flaps /R /N Flaps
BTN T8 /P /N Gear /R /N Gear
Reading the file you will see a number of lines beginning with the
word "REM". "REM" is a standard DOS command that tells your
computer to ignore any characters or text that follow the
command. "REM" is used primarily for making notations within
files. For example the first line in the file Aces.B50
reads: The file name of this file is ACES.B50.
As you scroll down the file with your arrow keys, you
will see other REM statements like the name of the game,
manufacturer, etc..., and other useful information.
Further down you will notice that the button code lines
are followed by descriptions (macros) of what the buttons
or switches on the FLCS or FLCS/WCS will activate within
the game. In the B50 file for "Aces of the Pacific" for
example, the first button command code looks like this:
BTN S1 Viewtoggle. Translated the code tells you that:
button number one (S1) on the FLCS will switch (toggle)
visual position (view) from inside the cockpit to outside
the aircraft. BTN H1U Lookup would interpret as: Hat button
number one (H1) when pushed up (U) would give you a view
above your aircraft (Lookup).
Select option B from the Core Menu. This will bring up the screen
pictured in figure 9. (SEE MANUAL)
The title bar in this screen reads: DOWNLOAD THROTTLE AND
STICK FILE. This screen looks the same as the first screen
you reviewed after selecting option "A", except you will not
see the sets of parenthesis followed by the extensions *.B50
or *.M50. Make no changes and go to the next screen.
At the next screen the title bar reads C:\TM\B50PROGS, and is
exactly the same as the screen from which you were able to view
and print your selected file under option "A". Highlight the
file you wish to download using your arrow keys (choose the
B50 file for your game). Press enter once or left click on
the highlighted file.
You are now looking at the download screen which should not need
any further clarification. You are prompted through each step and
it is simply a matter of following the on-screen instructions.
Download your file.
Remember: The FLCS contains a non-volatile memory chip that
will retain any downloaded file even after you turn off your
computer. If you are downloading the same file as you did
when working through the Quick Start Guide, you will receive
a message reminding you that the file has been previously loaded
and do you wish to proceed. Answer "yes" (press "y" key) and
go through the steps again. You will also be prompted as to
whether you wish to setup the MARK II WCS for use with the
FLCS. Respond accordingly.
After completing the download procedure you are returned
to the Core Menu.
Exit C&CC, enter your game and have fun!
The "Run Program" option permits you to enter, exit and change
games very quickly.
From the Core Menu, select option "C".
You will now be viewing the RUN PROGRAM screen. At the near
top left will be a small box containing a number. Next to the
box will be a path statement bar containing the "highlighted"
file. As you scroll up or down the files the corresponding
number in the box and the file in the bar will change. The
Run Program files contain path statements for most existing
flight sims/games in addition to other applications. Highlight
the path statement for your game. If you are unsure of your
path statement, refer to the game instruction manual. The
path statement for "Aces over the Pacific looks like this:
C:\DYNAMIX\ACES. This will tell your computer that "Aces of
the Pacific" can be found on the hard drive labeled C:,
that the directory is labeled DYNAMIX and that within that
directory the game, is filed under the label ACES.
Remember: You cannot run a game that you don't have on
your hard drive. Be sure you are selecting a path statement
for a game that you have previously installed.
Once you have highlighted the path statement for your game,
press enter or double click on the line with your mouse.
If your path statement is not in the list of existing files,
you may type in the path statement. Note that the flashing
"cursor" is under the "C" prompt in the path statement bar,
just begin typing.
Note: If you changed the "Path" of your game when you installed
it to your hard drive(s), Run Program will not function properly
unless you type it in as directed above. If you wish to modify the
Run Program files SEE ADVANCED USER'S GUIDE PAGE 3.38.
At the next screen, RUN OPTIONS, you will see a Program
bar and within that bar, your game path statement. Below the
Program bar is the Download bar.
Here you will want to see the B50 file that matches your game.
As an example, the B50 file for "Aces of the Pacific" would be:
ACES.B50. Below these two bars and on the left of your screen
you will notice three smaller bars. The first two are: Select
Download File and View Download File. These bars function exactly
like options A and B of the Core Menu. The last of the three bars
is: Edit Download File. Editing of download files will be discussed
later in this guide. To the right of the three option bars are two
bars labeled: Run Program and Cancel. Cancel will place you back at
the Core Menu. Run Program activates the download routine.
Click on "Run Program" with your mouse or press the "R" key.
Run Program will take you through the download routine and then
directly to your game.
If your are using the same game as you did earlier, "Run Program"
will prompt you that the B50 file for your game has been previously
downloaded. Click on the "N" or press the "N" key. You will go
directly to the game you have selected. When you exit your game
you will be returned to the C&CC Core Menu screen.
Using option "D" you can modify existing B50 files to suit your
own personal tastes or you can create new files for games that
will be released in the future. To get you started, we will
first cover editing an existing B50 file.
5.1: Learning the Editor
Selecting option "D" will move you to the CREATE/EDIT THROTTLE
AND STICK FILE screen. This screen is identical to the first
screen in option "A" except for the title bar. Within the
sets of parenthesis you can place a "check" mark for the
extension of the files you wish to edit. For the moment, leave
it where it is - *.B50. We will discuss the *.M50 files shortly.
If the "check" mark does not appear inside the parentheses of the
*.B50, move it there by clicking between the parentheses or typing
*.B50 in the filename extension bar. Click on "OK" or press Enter
twice (once if you typed in an extension and the "cursor" is
flashing in the extension bar.
The next screen is entirely the same as the file screens you have
seen using options "A" and "B". Select the B50 file ACES.B50, and
move to the EDITOR screen.
Along the top of the screen you will see the title of the screen
and a row of function keys:
F1 - View and select a different file.
F2 - Insert a line in the file.
F3 - Delete a line in the file.
F4 - Load Root (B50) file.
F5 - Load the matching Macro (M50) file
F6 - Save modified file using same filename.
F7 - Save the file under different filename.
F8 - Exit the Editor.
Immediately below is a path statement bar. For "Aces of the Pacific"
the path statement would look like this: C:\TM\B50PROGS\ACES.B50.
Next is the FILE "window" which contains the B50 file you selected
for modification. It is within this window that you make all the
changes to your B50 file.
At the top right of the file window is F-10. Clicking on F-10 or
pressing the F-10 function key will activate another window within
the Editor which will provide you with information relating to the
highlighted line. When activated, the file window will be smaller
and F-10 will still appear in the upper right. Clicking on the F-10
again will "close" the information window and return the file window
to normal size. Give it a try and use your arrow keys to move up and
down within the file.
At the bottom left of the file window is the line: Select-Copy-Delete-
Paste. These are tools to aid you in the editing process. At the
bottom middle you will see Line 1 or 2, etc..., indicating what
line you are currently on within the file.
Dividing the upper and lower window is a "blue" bar that currently
contains no information. You will see how this bar functions as
you work through editing a file.
Below is the MACROS window. This window contains all of the
available macros (button functions) for use in the B50 file you
are editing. In the upper left of the window you will note the
word Keys, in the middle is MACROS and at the far right you will
see Page.
Clicking on Keys will change the macros listed in the screen to
a layout of your keyboard across the upper half, and below will
appear File Commands, Modal Keys and Toggles. The word Macros
has changed places with Keys and moved to the left. Clicking
on Macros will take you back. Both of these screens in the
lower window will be used to modify the file in the "Editor"
window during the editing process. Page allows you to move
through the pages of macro definitions by clicking with the
left mouse button. Clicking with right mouse button will
take you back through the pages. There are a total of
nine pages available for macro definitions.
Note: If you are not using a mouse, you cannot access the
Macros/Keys screens. You will still be able to edit files,
however your editing options will be limited. You are encouraged
to purchase a mouse, it will make using the FLCS and your other
applications much easier.
5.2: Editing B50 Files with the Editor
Using your mouse or arrow keys, scroll down the editing window until
you reach the first button command line and its macro.
In ACES.B50, the first button command line reads: BTN S1 Viewtoggle.
Referring to the FLCS Quick Installation Card you can see that button
S1 is the right index finger button on the upper side of the FLCS.
With your mouse or arrow keys, place the cursor at the end of the
command line. Using the "Back Space" key, carefully erase the
macro Viewtoggle. You should end up with: BTN S1, with the flashing
cursor next to 1 (if you are using a mouse). Place the cursor one
space away from the 1 if you are using your keyboard.
Note: If you went too far and erased part or all of the button
code, exit the "Editor", do not save and re-enter. The line will
be as it was before. When you are more familiar with buttons and
codes, you can merely type in the portion you may have erased.
Now, find the macro MaxSafePower in the MACROS window. Then
click on the macro. It will appear on the command line next to
BTN S1 in the file window. The finished button command line change
for "Aces" should look like this: BTN S1 MaxSafePower.
Key board users, begin by making sure your cursor is one space away
from the button code, then type in the macro exactly as it appears
in the macro screen. NO SPACES between the words. You may wish to
capitalize the first letter of each word to make it more readable.
Note: If you are not using a mouse, you're going to be limited to
viewing the macros on the first page only. When you are experienced
enough to construct your own macros this will not be a problem.
Consequently, we have selected a macro that is on the first page.
That's all there is to it! Select the button command you wish to
change, erase the current macro and replace it with another.
Once you learn how to build your own macros, you'll be able to
configure your FLCS or FLCS/MARK II WCS in just about any manner
you wish.
CLICK on F7-Save_As, or press the F7 Key. You will be prompted
to name the file. Type in a name (up to 8 characters), like
"Edit", "AcesII", etc.... This will keep the original file
from being lost. When you are more experienced you can elect
not to rename your changed file if you chose. Choosing F6-Save
would save the change and replace the B50 file you are editing.
5. 3: Editing a Macro File with the Editor
Every B50 file has a matching MACRO (M50) file where all the macros
are defined. To edit an existing macro, enter the "Editor" in
precisely the same way you did when editing a B50 file. Select
the same file.
At the "Editor" screen and in the file window, scroll down to the
button command line for BTN S2 Bombs. With your RIGHT mouse
button click on the MACRO (just clicking on the black line won't work).
This will change the lower "dark blue" bar to a "light blue" and
within the light blue bar, reveal the macro definition for "Bombs".
In addition the MACROS window will change to the KEYS window.
Note: Keyboard users, PRESS F5 to open up the entire matching
macro file. You may then follow along, but you need to type in
the appropriate changes as you did previously. You will also
need to reference page A.5 of the Appendix for a list of keyboard
character definitions.
Because this is a hypothetical example, the button code line for
BTN S2 Bombs (line 48), will be correct. Let's assume however,
that an error was made in defining the original macro. You've
discovered the mistake because button S2 wasn't dropping bombs
during your game. You ran Keytest7 to check it out and found
S2, when pressed generated F9. You referenced the game manual
and discovered that the keyboard command for bombs should be
BSP (Backspace).
Begin by placing your cursor after the "incorrect" macro definition
in the light blue bar and erase it using your backspace key.
In the KEYS window, find BSP ("backspace") and click on it with
the left mouse button (Keyboard user's will need to type in
"BSP" - ALL Caps.) The key code for backspace will appear after
the macro "Bombs" in the light blue bar. After the change is
made, click on or press F6 to save the correction. You will
be prompted to save or cancel.
You may double check your work to be sure the change was saved
by "right" clicking on the line again. Keyboard users will
need to re-enter the matching macro file as before to check
Note: If you should receive an "Error Message", read the
information very carefully. You will be given information
as to the type of error and the applicable line. After
responding to the error message, you will be placed on
the line in question to make any necessary adjustments
or changes.
Tips for Keyboard Users: A character will be replaced
(typed over) when the "flashing line" cursor (_) is located
below the character. A character will be moved one space
to the right and the typed character "inserted when the
"flashing box" cursor () is located over the character.
Pressing the "Insert" key on your keyboard toggles between
these two cursors.
5.4: Creating a New B50 File
Perhaps the most exciting feature of your FLCS is the ability
to create new B50 files. Allowing you to make your FLCS
HOTAS system totally compatible with any flight sim, game
or other application that is currently available, or that
will be available in the future.
Once again, select option "D" from the Core Menu, at the
the B50 file screen, locate the "Directory or Filename" bar.
The cursor will be flashing within the bar and under the current
filename. Type in the name of the new file for the B50 you wish
to create (you may use as many as 8 eight characters) For our
purposes, use the filename "NEWGAME".
After typing in the new name, press the "Enter" key. The
next screen is identical to the screens used for editing
an existing file, except that it now contains a file "Template"
with the title bar "FLCS PROGRAMMING TEMPLATE".
Over the title bar you will see the full path and name of your new file:
At the top of the template are REM statements that provide space
for you to: enter the B50 filename, put in a description of the
game, who wrote the game and the date, name of the publisher of
the game and the full name of the game. Using your mouse or arrow
keys, place the cursor on the appropriate line(s) and fill in some
hypothetical information. Then continue to scroll down the template.
5.4.1: Preliminary Settings
The first REM statement after "Preliminary Settings" reads: "INCLUDE
THE FLCS". "USE WCS" follows two lines below. You need not
change or delete "USE WCS". This line has no effect on FLCS only
users. Additionally, by leaving "USE WCS" in the B50 file, you will not
need to edit these files later should you elect to include a MARK II WCS
in your setup.
5.4.2: Setting RATE
The next line item that you will need to address is the RATE setting of
your game.
RATE is the speed at which the FLCS generates keyboard characters.
These characters are then stored in the keyboard buffers. Rate
settings are defined in milliseconds. For example, a rate setting
of 20ms would generate characters quickly, while a rate setting
of 1000ms (1000ms=1sec) would generate characters very slowly
(for a computer). Begin by setting the RATE at 100ms, then
adjust the setting up/down according to how your game performs.
Usually, you will not have to adjust from 100ms, or very slightly.
NOTE: Some game software programs read keyboard buffer information
very slowly. While playing "Wing Commander" for example, you push
the MARK II WCS throttle forward to full power and it should generate
50 throttle increase characters. However, during this time "Wing
Commander" is busy executing graphics or sound. As a result, you lose
characters because the buffers were full and your computer (controlled
by your game software) may have read only half the characters generated
during the throttle increase. You're at half throttle! If you find
yourself in a situation where you are losing characters, adjusting
the rate setting may be the solution to enhancing your game play.
Enter the RATE setting by placing the cursor one space to the right of
RATE on the template and type in 100.
Before moving on, SAVE your work by clicking/pressing F6-Save. Your
B50 template will be saved under the filename NEWGAME.B50. You
will receive an error message. This is due to the fact that the template
has not been completed. The error message will give you the option of
restoring or continuing. Select Continue to save the work you have done
so far.
5.4.3: Macro Definition File
Before you can begin to add macros to your new B50 file, you must
name/create the matching MACRO DEFINITION FILE (MDEF).
MDEF files are recognizable by the .M50 filename extension. Place the
cursor to the right of the word "TEMPLATE" on the line and using the
back space key, erase the characters. Leaving one space between the end
of the characters "MDEF"(Macro Definition) and your file name. Enter
the filename "NEWGAME" for the MDEF file . In most instances you
would want to use the same name for your MDEF file as you did for the
B50 file (you can use up to eight characters). Your result should look
like this: MDEF NEWGAME.
NOTE: There may be instances where you would want to use the
filename of an existing MDEF file. If you currently own "Aces Over the
Pacific" and "Aces Over Europe" by Dynamix you know that both games
use the same keyboard functions. A year from now if Dynamix should
release a new game, chances are good that the game will utilize the same
keyboard functions as the previous games. Using the same MDEF file
saves considerable time.
Now, save your B50 file as before, then select F5-MF to move to the
Macro Definition File TEMPLATE.
5.4.4: Constructing the MDEF File
This screen is very similar to the B50 file template. At the top of the
screen you will see the complete path/filename for your new MDEF file:
C:\TM\B50PROGS\NEWGAME.M50. Directly below is the title bar
As before, fill in the appropriate information in the blanks provided at
the beginning of the template for name of the Game, date, etc....
Continue moving down the template until you reach the first set of
macros listed under THROTTLE CONTROLS. Here, you can begin to
create and define the macros for the new game.
Using your mouse, go to the top of the MACROS window and on the top
left, click on KEYS10. Using this screen and your game manual, you
will construct the macros to run your new game using the FLCS.
NOTE: On any computer keyboard there are two types of keys - keys
that generate a character (visible) on your computer screen when
pressed; a, b, >, ?, etc... and keys that do not generate a character
(invisible); back space, tab, delete, etc....
The first macro is EngineStart =. Place the cursor one space to the right
of the "=" character. Referring to your "hypothetical" game manual, let's
assume that the key code command11 to start engines is "\", a Visible
keyboard character. Type in the character, or if you prefer, use your
mouse to highlight the character in the KEYS window and left click.
The result will look like this: EngineStart = \.
Note: When using a mouse and the KEYS window, you need not place
your cursor one space away from your macro or the last character in
your macro definition. The mouse will insert the space for you.
Adding Invisible keyboard characters to your file is just as easy.
Let's assume that the key to activate GearUp is "Back Space".
Looking at the KEYS window you will see the code "BSP". You may
type in "BSP", however clicking on the appropriate key code may
save you time over typing and certainly help prevent errors.
The GearUp macro will appear like this when completed: GearUp = BSP.
Some game operations will require using strings of Visible or
Invisible characters to define the macro function such as:
u u u or F5 F6. Others will use combinations of both Visible
and Invisible characters like: Ctrl F6 * or SHF F1 g. Add
these to your macros using the same procedures. Either type
them in or use the mouse. Remember, there must be a single
space between each separate key code command.
NOTE: You do not have to type in a word, or use the mouse to enter an
Invisible key code when the complex key is used in a combination that
produces a visible character. For example, shift key - 8 produces the
visible character "*". Simply press the "8" key while pressing and
holding the shift key. The character "*" will be produced on the macro
Once you have completed defining all the macros that apply to your
game (remember, this is practice, so just enter a few codes on various
macros), delete the unused macros.
To delete macro lines, highlight the macro line you don't need/want,
press F3-Del. You will be prompted as to whether you wish to delete the
line, answer yes or no. This is a "fail safe" device that gives you the
opportunity to be sure you are on the line you wish to delete.
TIP: If you are deleting a number of lines, you can use the
Select/Copy/Delete/Paste options at the bottom left of the File window.
Highlight the line, left click on Select and a "check" mark will be place
to the left of the line. Continue until all the lines you wish to
delete are "marked". Now click on Delete.
Note: You will not receive a "Fail Safe" prompt, so be sure of
your selections. To remove a "mark", just reverse the process.
If you should have a macro in your game that has not already been
provided, you can build your own macro.
Scroll down to the Miscellaneous Box, which will be a the end of the
macro template. Place your cursor just under the Box (line 243 - Eject)
and press F2-Ins. Eject will be moved down and you will now have a
"blank" line in which you can type in the macro name and assign the
corresponding key codes. Remember, macro definitions contain no
spaces between the words. However, for the sake of clarity, upper case
characters can be used at the beginning of each word. Type in the macro
GreaseMufflerBearing for this example and assign F12 as the key code.
You can also create macros that perform more than ONE function.
Macro/Macros can be very useful. If the hypothetical game designated
the "C" key for Chaff and the "F" key for Flare, as opposed to one key for
both, these commands can be combined rather than creating a macro for
each. Find the section of the MDEF template for COUNTER
MEASURES. Within this list you will find the macro line for
ChaffandFlare =. Enter the characters "C" and "F". You have just
created a macro/macro that will perform both functions with one press of
the designated button/switch on the FLCS or MARK II WCS.
Save the modifications that you have made to the MDEF template.
In the MACRO window at the bottom of the screen you will see a
number of changes, which take place only after you have saved the work
you have done. For example, you should not see the macros that you
deleted and you should see the new macro GreaseMufflerBearing. These
changes will also appear in the macro window when you return to the
B50 ("root file") for "NEWGAME".
5.4.5: Special Notes
All macro definitions (key code commands) must be separated by a
single space.
Macro names must be one continuous word, caps may be used for easier
Most games are "CASE" sensitive. If you use a lower case "a" where
your game manual calls for an upper case "A", the game will not
perform as expected. Additionally, some software manuals are not
accurate with regard to upper and lower case. Check your game
functions once on your keyboard for accuracy before constructing
If you are using any keypad numbers in your MDEF file (KP7, KP9,
etc...), it is usually necessary to have the NUMLOCK (number lock)
engaged and the NUMLOCK light on. If using HOME, END, etc..., the
NUMLOCK should be off.
As you delete and insert lines in the MDEF editing/creating window you
will disrupt the original layout. If you would like to re-organize,
you'll have to insert/delete the character "~", save the changes
and observe the results. You'll soon see what must be done to
re-organize the look of the file. Additionally, any characters
entered after the "~" character will be displayed in red. This
is how the red text boxes in the MACRO window are created.
Press/click on F4-RF to return to the B50 file template.
Now you are ready to start entering your macros to assign the
button/switches on the FLCS and/or WCS.
Find the first BTN line, BTN S1. Using your mouse or keyboard, place
the macro EngineStart on the line. Remember the macro key code for
EngineStart was "\", you'll see it later.
At this point, it's simply a matter of following these easy steps:
1) Select the individual button/switch you wish to use.
2) Highlight the line.
3) Move the cursor to the right of the BTN code. Remember, your
mouse will insert the require space for you.
4) Place your mouse pointer on the macro you wish to assign in the
MACRO window and click13.
5.4.6: TRIGGER
The FLCS has two trigger positions. BTN TG1 the first trigger click
will function in the ANALOG MODE. This means that TG1 will
perform as your game software dictates, which is normally to fire
weapons14. Do not remove the REM command at the beginning of this
line at this time. Removing the REM command changes the TG1 to
DIGITAL MODE which will allow you to assign a designated function
to BTN TG1, but may not permit you to calibrate the FLCS in your flight
sim. Using TG1 in digital mode is not recommended until you are more
familiar with the FLCS ThrustWare. The second trigger click BTN
TG2, is digital and available for any selected function.
That's really all there is to it. After assigning the buttons/switches
you wish to use, delete any remaining BTN lines. If you are not using a
WCS, you will need to REM the THR (throttle) statement line found
near the end of the B50.
Remember the tip on using Select/Copy/Delete/Paste.
Now it's time to save the file, print out a copy, download to the FLCS
and run the Keytest program to see if all the buttons/switches generate
the characters you selected.
5.4.7: Checking Your Work with Keytest
Now you are ready to test the buttons and switches on your FLCS or
FLCS/WCS. With your mouse, click on "F3-KeyTest" located at the
very bottom of the C&CC screen or press the F3 control key on your
keyboard if you aren't using a mouse.
In this screen (figure 11),( SEE MANUAL), you will be able to see
buttons and switches generate keyboard characters as you activate them.
For example, press BTN S1 and on the left of the screen near the top,
a button code will appear, in this case the "\" used for the
macro EngineStart, the character you assigned to BTN S1 when
creating the new MDEF M50 file. All of the buttons and switches
on the FLCS will generate a specific keyboard character(s),
the character(s) you assigned to define the macro in the
MDEF M50 file. Try them all. Do they generate the character you
selected to represent each button or switch?
Please note: Using Keytest is an elective step and need not be used every
time you download a file. However, running through it now will help
acquaint you with button/switch command codes and how they effect the
FLCS or FLCS/MARK II WCS. Keytest can also be used as a trouble-
shooting tool if you should experience problems during game play, so
you should be familiar with how it operates.
The MARK II WCS buttons and switches will also generate codes.
However, please remember, if you have already been using the Mark II
WCS, see the section on using the MARK II WCS with the FLCS on
page 2.27 of this guide for changes. The "RKR" (rocker) switch for
example has been modified.
After you've finished testing all your buttons and switches, press the
"Esc" (Escape) key twice to return to the Core Menu.
Whether you are an experienced MARK II WCS user or new owner,
there are some considerations to note when using your Mark II WCS
with the FLCS. If you are a new user of the MARK II WCS, you will
need to read the MARK II WCS Owner's Manual to more fully
understand the following information.
As you may already know, both units contain circuit boards and have the
ability to be configured independently. This holds true even when the
MARK II WCS is connected to the FLCS.
Configured independently, the MARK II WCS may be utilized as
described in the WCS Owner's Manual, using the MARKII.ADV files.
However, using the WCS independent of the power and flexibility of
FLCS will limit the versatility of the unit.
When configuring the WCS with the FLCS using the FLCS B50 files, it
becomes necessary to force the WCS to become slave to the FLCS by
downloading a "slave mode" setup file to the WCS. When you download
any of the B50 files you will be prompted as to whether or not you wish
to use your Mark II WCS. Selecting "Yes" will download the slave mode
setup file. When using the WCS in this manner, all button/switch
configurations are handled through the FLCS. All the B50 files that
came with FLCS software include configurations for the using the
Note: If you chose to use the option of configuring the WCS
independently (using ADV files), you must not download the
FLCS/WSC setup file.
The statement "USE WCS", is found in all B50 files included with the
FLCS software. This is the statement that tells the system you are using
the Mark II WCS with the FLCS. Without this statement the MARK II
WCS WILL NOT function. Anytime you are editing or creating a B50
file, include the USE WCS even if you do not currently have one.
6.1: Button Code Changes
BTN code changes for the Mark II WCS are as follows:
BTN 1 T1
BTN 2 T2
BTN 3 T3
BTN 4 T4
BTN 5 T5
BTN 6 T6
6.2: Throttle Configuration
The throttle input is accessed via the THR statement in the B50 file
and is essentially the same as it was in the MarK II WCS software,
supporting Types 1 and 2. However, there are a few minor changes in
the way you configure the Mark II WCS throttle.
The syntax has changed slightly to include the TYPE. For example:
THR 1 20 5 = - / / = -
interprets as: Throttle Type 1, 20 throttle steps, 5 AB steps. Throttle up
and AB up characters are '=', Throttle down and AB down are '-', AB on
and AB off are '/'.
Similarly: THR 2 4 1 1 2 3 4 5
represents a Throttle Type 2, 4 throttle steps, 1 AB step, throttle
characters are 1 - 4, AB is 5.
NOTE: GAME commands have been eliminated and specifying a type 0
throttle as analog is not required. When throttle commands are not
entered, the FLCS microcode passes the MARK II WCS as an analog
throttle through the game card.
6.3: Calibrating for Digital Throttle
After connecting the Mark II WCS to the FLCS and downloading a B50
file, calibrate the throttle. This procedure needs to be performed only
once, after connecting the MARK II WCS to the FLCS.
From the Core Menu, select F10 Full Menu (see fig. 12). (SEE MANUAL)
New users will note that the Full Menu is made up of 4 sub-menus,
including the Core Menu at the upper left corner. Select Calibrate
MARK II located in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, item
"K". At the Calibrate Throttle screen, follow the on screen
instructions very carefully. Remember, the B50 file you downloaded
MUST have the throttle configured for digital characters, otherwise
the calibration routine will not function properly.
6.4: Base Mode Switch And Hat Mode Switch
The base mode switch on the Mark II WCS will continue to function as
it was designed. When using analog throttle input, place the base
mode switch in the analog position prior to entering your game.
Use the digital position when digital throttle input is specified
in your B50 file.
The Calibrate or Download position on the MARK II WCS will not be
utilized except when downloading for "Slave" mode (normally this will
only need to performed once).
The Hat Analog and Digital switch is not needed with the FLCS, place
the switch in digital position and leave it there.
6.5: What Happened to the Rocker Middle Position?
The three-way rocker (RKR) switch on the MARK II WCS has three
positions; up, middle and down. The up and down positions are
configured using the FLCS software. The middle position cannot be
directly configured to a game function. However, it may be configured
If you think of the switch in terms of a button function this will make
more sense. As you know, when you press a button there are two
actions, press and release.
When you move the RKR switch up or down, you only create a press
action. The release action is generated when you return the RKR to the
middle position.
By using the button command codes, you can create a macro to use the
center position. With the B50 codes /P (press) and /R (release) you can
take advantage of the RKR middle position. For example, RKR down
(lower flaps), RKR middle (raise flaps).
6.6: Throttle Digital Inputs
Inputs T1 through T8 are used by the MARK II WCS in slave mode, and
correspond to BTN 1 through BTN 6, and the RKR UP and RKR DN
commands in the MARK II WCS command set. RKR UP and RKR DN
automatically repeat. To defeat this function use RKR UP /P /N x /R /N x
and RKR DN /P /N x /R /N x (x = any key(s) or macroname).
Additionally, MT, the derived min throttle button, is supported when
digital throttle is used by either throttle unit.
If you have questions that are not answered within these sections, there
are other options available to you. Before making that long distance
phone call check out the following:
1 F1-Hlp option. This is available from the Core/Full Menu screen, in
the lower left hand corner. Press F1 and you have access to a help text
file which you can scroll through. This has additional information that
may be of assistance.
2 The FIND option. This is available from within many of the C&CC
menu screens. Press "F" when you have the "FIND" option available in
the upper part of your screen. It will then ask for "Search String?".
Enter the " | " character (shift-\), a space, then the first few letters
of the topic you would like searched. The help text file will now be
searched for the string you entered. Press escape to exit.
3 In all the editing windows you have the F10 option. Pressing F10 will
toggle a help window on and off. This help window has programming
tips for the specific line you have selected.
4 Read the Troubleshooting section in the Advanced User's Guide.
Whether you're new to ThrustMaster Products or a long time user, we
know you'll really enjoy the power and the flexibility of the new F-16
FLCS. When you're comfortable with all the basic functions we've
outlined here, go on to the ADVANCED USER'S GUIDE section of this
Welcome to the Advanced Users Guide. This guide will provide you
with tips for optimizing your system, as well as additional configuring
options for your FLCS and/or FLCS and WCS controls.
Much of what you will read is based upon the assumption that you have
read the Installation and Quickstart Guide as well as the Users Guide.
Before we get into the advanced configuring options let's review a few
When using the FLCS it will be necessary to de-select the
"ThrustMaster" options in the game setup. This is due to the fact that
when you select ThrustMaster in a game setup option and then calibrate
your stick, the calibration routine will look for an analog "Hat" switch.
None of the "Hat" switches on the FLCS are analog devices. Since the
calibration routine will see no analog "Hat" it will likely hang up and
freeze. To avoid this problem only select "Joystick" in the setup
options for your game.
It is also important to note that many programs will begin by asking
you to calibrate your joystick by moving your joystick to the upper
left corner and pressing the trigger, or button #2, and so forth.
If you have a keyboard character programmed to the trigger (BTN TG1)
it may cause problems in the calibration routine. In most instances
the routine will be looking for an analog signal only. If it sees a
digital key press or a combination of digital and analog it may
interpret that as you bypassing the calibration routine, and hence,
kick you out of the routine.
Sometimes this can be the case with button #2 (on the FLCS button #2 is
BTN S2) as well. If the game calibration routine ask for a button #2
press and you have a keyboard character programmed to it, you may get
the same results.
If you encounter either of these problems, you will need to go into the
B50 file you are using and either remove the BTN TG1 line and/or the
BTN S2 line all together, or REM them. This will cause these buttons to
be analog devices only, passing through the game card without any
digital input.
Game Setup Using The Mark II WCS
If you are using a ThrustMaster WCS (With throttle input as Digital {i.e.
generating Keyboard characters}) always de-select the ThrustMaster
throttle option in games that have this choice available in the setup,
then select keyboard. In addition, if you're planning on using your WCS
as an Analog throttle device you will most likely select joystick 2,
throttle wheel, or throttle slider.
Your game card will be the functional foundation for your new F-16
FLCS. The F-16 FLCS will only work as well as the game card used
with it.
A game card is actually a circuit board attached to your computer's
motherboard. The industry standard requires that the joystick connector
on a game card be a 15 pin connector. Any 15 pin connector you find on
your computer is therefore designed for game controller input. For this
reason it is important that you are aware of the type of game card you are
going to use.
To get full function and proper range from your F-16 FLCS, FCS, rudder
CARD. Please do not get this confused with a two-connector or two-
plug game card. When we refer to PORTS we refer to the CIRCUITRY
on the card itself. A dual port game card is one that is designed to
support two, two-button joysticks. Often times these two ports are called
"A" and "B". A single port game card would only have an "A" while a
dual port game card would have an "A" and a "B". For specific details
on the features of your game card refer to your game card owner's
The following is a list of tips to help you determine if your game
card is capable of supporting your ThrustMaster controls. While
we recommend the ThrustMaster ACM game card for maximum performance,
there are a number of combinations possible in game cards currently
out on the market. One or more of these may already exist on your
computers system. For example: any game cards have only one
connector, but actually access a dual port card. An example of
this would be many of the sound cards available on the market.
Often times they will include a game card and joystick connector.
This type of game card will support your ThrustMaster controls.
However, please note that with the faster 486 + computer systems,
these combination Sound/Game cards are generally not optimal for
game play. More information on this problem can be found in the
reference section of the card's manual.
Many game cards have two connectors and are dual port cards. In these
instances there is a primary connector that accesses both ports. The other
connector accesses the "B" port only. Your ThrustMaster controls can be
used successfully on these game cards. Remember to plug your controls
into the primary connector only.
Some game cards have one plug or connector and are only wired for one
port. This is typical of many Multi I/O cards (cards with parallel, serial
and game port combinations). These Multi I/O game ports can be found
on many of today's computers and most often will not support all your
instances you may not know how to disable your Multi I\O game port or
see no way to disable it. If you encounter difficulties you will need to
refer to your owners manual or contact your computer dealer. NOTE -
In order to effectively disable most game ports you must pull jumpers
(little clips) on the card itself. For details, see your game card owner's
Ideally, you will have disabled your sound card's game port and your
Multi I/O's game port. This will necessitate the purchase and
installation of a game card that supports your ThrustMaster controls.
We highly recommend a dedicated speed adjustable game card such as
the ThrustMaster ACM game card.
Dual port game cards are necessary because your ThrustMaster controls
require the information from, and access to, both ports on a game card.
Please also remember that you cannot have more than one game card
active and running at the same time. If two cards are running at the same
time they will conflict with each other, causing your controls to work
erratically and inconsistently. This condition is true of all IBM, and
IBM compatible computers.
Now that we have that out of the way we are ready to move on to the
additional button configuring options.
Button modification commands provide additional versatility and
functionality to your FLCS and/or WCS buttons and switches. They can
be used to do anything from toggling a designated button between as
many as 15 different macros, or performing one macro on the press of a
button and another on the release. There are literally hundreds of
different ways your buttons and switches can be configured.
These commands are typically placed in your B50 files immediately after
the Button Codes (i.e. BTN S1) and just before the Macro names. To
learn more about Button Modifications Commands and how they're
used, read on.
The following is a list of the available Configuring Codes and their
definitions. Button Modification Commands are additional options that
may be used with the standard Button Codes and Macros. They are not
Using the /T toggle code in a BTN line will allow any combination of
eight buttons to toggle between as many as 64 separate macros. This
means that you may choose to use this toggle option on four FLCS
buttons and four WCS buttons (provided you are using the WCS), or have
six toggling buttons on the WCS and two on the FLCS, and vice versa,etc.
Note - You can place toggle codes on Hat switches but you are limited to
only two toggles per Hat position.
Let's look at an example:
BTN S2 /T Chaff
/T Flare
/T ScreamForHelp
In this example BTN S2 (button #2) is using the toggle option. When
button #2 is pressed it will toggle through "Chaff", "Flare", and
Basically, if you use more than two toggle commands, the button or
switch programmed with toggles will cycle through the toggles
sequentially. When the last macro has been toggled, it will begin the
sequence again, starting with the first macro.
/P - Command
This command indicates that the specified macro which follows is to be
generated upon the press of the button or switch.
The /P is designed to be used in conjunction with the /R.
/R - Command
This command indicates that a character is to be generated upon the
releasing action (letting up) of a button or switch.
The /R must be used in conjunction with the /P command. If no /P is
present then using a /R will cause an error message to appear when
For example:
BTN S2 /P Chaff
/R Flare
In this example BTN S2 (button #2) is using the press and release
option. When this file is downloaded to the FLCS button #2 will
generate the Chaff macro when pressed, and Flare macro when released.
When using the press and release commands remember to include both
the /P and /R and their respective definitions.
Using the /N command in a button or switch line forces the macro
defined character to generate only once per press of this button.
For example:
BTN S2 /N FireMissles
In this example BTN S2 (button #2) is using the /N option. You should
recognize that the "FireMissles" has been defined in the adjoining M50
file. Let's say "FireMissles" is defined as an "X".
Normally, without the /N option, button S2 would generate "X's" as long
as button 2 was held down. With the /N in the command line, button 2
would only generate one "X" per press. This is what we mean by forcing
single character generation.
If you're using a Mark II WCS with the FLCS you will notice that T7
(rocker up) and T8 (rocker down) usually use the /N code. This is
because the rocker switch is actually seen as a button device.
When you move the rocker switch up, it is interpreted as pressing a
button and holding it. When you return the rocker switch to the middle
position it is seen as releasing the button. Therefore, when you put the
rocker in the up or down position it will generate repeating characters
until the rocker is returned to the middle. To eliminate this potential
problem, the /N option is used.
Note - For additional discussion on uses of the /N option please read the
Rate Settings and Repeating Characters section on page 3.16.
By now you should have a pretty good feel for placing the configuring
codes. With the /N command there are a few do's and don'ts.
Don't use it unless you have to, it uses up valuable memory.
It cannot be used with the Hat Middle positions. They cannot repeat
macro commands.
S3 IN/OUT CODES (/I and /O)
The S3 In/Out codes relate to a specific hardware design enhancement
within the FLCS stick.
When the S3 button is held in (pressed) all buttons and switches using
the /I and /O designation will perform a different set of functions. When
the S3 button is released the designated buttons and switches will return
to their standard functions.
The codes are /I and /O. The /I code indicates that the macro which
follows is to be performed when the S3 button is pressed and held.
The /O code indicates that the macro which follows is to be performed
when the S3 button is in the out position (not pressed).
This In/Out capability will only occur when the buttons and switches use
the /I and /O codes.
For example:
BTN S2 /I DropBombs
/O FireMissles
In this example button S2 would perform "DropBombs" when the S3
button is pressed and held. When button S3 is not engaged button S2
will perform "FireMissles".
All buttons and switches can be programmed to take advantage of this
option, except for the S3 switch itself, which does the In/Out toggling.
Remember, when using this option, whatever functions you program to
the BTN S3 line will be performed in addition to the switching function.
We advise when using the In/Out function that you keep things simple,
and not program anything to the BTN S3 line.
The /U, /M, and /D codes are available when using the Mark II WCS.
These codes can be used to modify all the buttons and switches on the
WCS and FLCS to different sets of commands depending upon the
position of the three-way rocker switch on the handle of the WCS.
For example:
BTN S1 /U AirAirRadar
/M NavRadar
/D GroundRadar
In this example BTN S1 (button #1 on the FLCS) would generate
"AirAirRadar" when button #1 was pressed, and when the three-way
rocker switch on the WCS handle was in the upper position.
"NavRadar" would be generated when button #1 is pressed and the three-
way rocker switch was in the middle position. And finally, when the
three-way rocker switch was in the down position, button #1 would
generate "GroundRadar".
For more details on this configuring option please read your Mark II
WCS manual.
Hold Codes create the same results as normal repeating characters.
However, unlike normal repeating characters, they are not automatically
terminated when another key is pressed.
With normal repeating characters, the designated characters will be
generated when you press and hold its associated button. It will continue
to generate the designated characters until the button is released or
another button is pressed. Configuring a /H to a button or switch will
cause the Macro (keyboard character) which follows the /H to continue
repeating as long as it is pressed, and it will continue to repeat even
when another button is pressed. To terminate the repeating, you would
have to release the button or switch.
For example:
BTN S2 /H Guns
The above would result in the following; a single press code will be sent
for the keyboard character that defines the Guns macro (e.g. G), and the
release will be sent when the key is actually released. It will not be
interrupted by another button or switch press.
This is useful for macros which involve aircraft control surfaces as it lets
you hold the control surface in position even when other buttons are
One note on the /H codes. They will not appear to be sending repeating
characters. So if you are in the "Keytest" program and you hold it
down, it won't look like it's repeating.
Four of the buttons on the FLCS can be used as either analog devices,
digital devices, or both. This means that in the analog mode they will
run through the game card and function as your game software has
designated. In the digital mode these buttons will function through the
keyboard, and will operate as you have designated in the B50 file. By
using the /A command the buttons can do both at the same time.
The buttons that have this capability are the S2, S3, S4, and TG1.
Whether these buttons operate in Analog, Digital, or both depends upon
how the BTN line is defined.
Normally a BTN line for switch S2 might look like -
BTN S2 CloakingEngaged
Using the following options in your B50 file will have the following
Delete the entire line = Analog only
Place a REM statement before the line = Analog only
Include BTN statement with definition = Digital only
Include BTN statement but no definition = No Digital or Analog
Include BTN statement with /A and definition = Digital and Analog
Include BTN statement with /A and no definition = Analog only
Now let's review.
If you left the BTN S2 line completely out of your B50 file or REM'ed it
out, that switch will only function as an Analog device. It will then
perform whatever the game software designates.
If you left the button code line BTN S2 in you B50 file there are two
possible choices. If you do not define BTN S2 with a macro, the button
will not function as either an Analog or Digital device. In essence it
will not work at all. We do not recommend using this option for
obvious reasons.
If you do define the BTN S2 line with a macro, as we did with
"CloakingEngaged", the button will function as a Digital device only.
The third option is to use the /A command. This command is designed
to be used in the following manner. By placing this command following
the BTN S2 statement and then following it with a macro definition, this
button becomes both Digital and Analog. This means that when BTN S2
is pressed it will function as the game software designed AND as you
programmed in your B50 file.
And one final note, if you use the /A command in your B50 without a
definition the button or switch will function as an Analog device only.
You should not use this method if you are trying to achieve the Analog
There are a few basic rules to follow when using forward slash codes (/).
1 - They must be placed after the button and switch codes (i.e. BTN
S2 /H)
2 - They must be placed before the macros (i.e. BTN S2 /H
3 - There must be a single space before and after the forward slash
codes (see preceding example)
4 - They must appear in a specific order when more than one type is
used for one button or switch (see "Slash Code Hierarchy" below).
When using multiple slash codes for configuring a button or switch it is
important to use the correct hierarchy. The ordering of slash codes
would proceed as defined
1 - The /U /M /D would precede all other slash codes.
2 - The Force Analog (/A) command precedes /I, /O, /T, /P, & /R.
3 - The In/Out (/I and /O) command precedes /T and /P/R commands.
4 - The Toggle (/T) command precedes /P/R commands.
5 - The Press and Release (/P and /R) commands are always last.
The following is an example:
BTN S2 /U /A /I /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/O /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/M /A /I /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/O /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/D /A /I /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/O /T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
/T /P (SomeMacroName{s})
/R (SomeMacroName{s})
It is important to note the sequence or hierarchy when using multiple
slash codes in a B50 file. You must strictly adhere to the order described
above or you will experience problems when saving your files.
The swap trigger option allows the default trigger setup to be swapped.
Normally TG1 (trigger position #1) is the first click encountered when
squeezing the trigger. TG1, by default is an analog button so you do
not need to use the /A with that command. TG2 is the second click.
By using the SWAPTG statement you can reverse the two positions, making
TG1 the second click and TG2 the first.
To use the SWAPTG command just place the code in one of the blank
lines near the top of your B50 file.
For example:
In some instances you may desire to assign groups of functions to a
single macro or BTN line. Using these grouping methods allows you to
program a series of single characters to be seen as one entity, allowing
button modifications to be used for an entire group of characters. The
FLCS software recognizes two methods of grouping characters:
Parentheses grouping and Curly Brackets grouping.
If you have read the previous manuals you already recognize that
assigning a single character (or macro containing a single character
definition) to a BTN line, will cause that character to continue repeating
as long as you continue to hold that particular button down.
However, when you program more than one macro or set of characters to
a BTN line in your B50 file, they will all be generated one time per
button press.
Using character groupings allows you to program a group of functions
(multiple characters or macros) to continue repeating sequentially as
long as you hold the button down. It also allows the group to be
modified by slash codes. Another type of grouping allows a designated
group of characters to be pressed and held at the same time.
Parenthetic Groups
The first grouping method is enclosing multiple characters (or macros)
in parenthesis. When multiple items are enclosed within parenthesis it
"fools" the C&CC software into thinking it is one item. Hence the
ability for it to repeat when holding the button down.
When a parenthetic group is sent, the items within it are processed in
order, and complete press and release sequences will be generated for
each item in the group. For example:
(a b c)
This is sent as 'a' press, 'a' release, 'b' press, 'b' release, 'c' press,
'c' release, just a sequence of key presses. So for example, if BTN S1
had been programmed using these characters it would look like:
BTN S1 (a b c)
When BTN S1 (button #1) was pressed it would continuously generate
'abcabcabcabc....' so long as BTN 1 was held down. When BTN 1 was
released, the macro would continue until the current repetition was
complete, (i.e. the last 'c' had been sent).
If a second button is configured using parenthetic groups, and both are
pressed and held, then both buttons will repeat, interweaving the macros
as they are sent. This holds for all currently held buttons.
For example, assume we program:
BTN S1 (a b c)
BTN S2 (D E F)
BTN S3 (1 2 3)
Now we hold all three buttons down. The output will be:
and will repeat so long as the buttons are held.
You also have the option of making one character a repeating macro:
For example:
BTN S1 (a)
This would act much like:
BTN S1 a
but unlike a simple character definition, both press and release codes will
be sent for each repetition when this button is pressed and held, rather
than just the press code. It will also repeat even though other buttons are
pressed in the meantime.
As mentioned earlier, parenthetical groups can also be modified with
slash codes.
For example:
BTN S1 /T (A B C)
/T (D E F)
Now, when BTN S1 is pressed it will toggle between the repeating (A B
C) macro and the (D E F) macro. All slash codes can be used to modify
parenthetic groups
Curly Bracket Groups
The next type of grouping uses "Curly Brackets". This grouping allows
a set of characters to be generated as though they were all being held
down at the same time. Like parenthetical groups, curly bracket groups
are treated as a single entity for processing.
For example:
{a b c}
is sent as 'a' press, 'b' press, 'c' press, 'a' release, 'b' release,
'c' release, as if you pressed and held one key after the other,
then released them in the same order.
Also note that a curly bracket group can appear within a parenthetic
group, but a parenthetic group may not occur within a simultaneous
(curly bracket) group.
Also note that a curly bracket group may be used in conjunction with a
/H code, in which case all keys in the group will be held until the button
is released.
Please note - Because the FLCS software attaches special significance to
the use of parenthesis and curly brackets, you must not use these
characters [i.e. ( ) { }] for general use when defining macros. Instead,
you must use the following:
SHF [ = {
SHF ] = }
SHF 9 = (
SHF 0 = )
The Rate setting determines the rate at which characters will be
generated by the various buttons and switches on the FLCS and WCS.
The larger the number used in the rate setting the slower the characters
will be generated. The smaller the number, the faster. It is important
to note that faster is not always better when setting the rate.
For example:
RATE nnnn
Where nnnn is a number between 0 and 1000. nnnn is roughly
equivalent to milliseconds, so rate 1000 would mean that a press would
occur over a time period of 1 second. A release would also take a second
so with RATE set to 1000, a press and a release would cause any other
input from other buttons to wait for 2 seconds before they would be
The rate setting plays an important role in repeating characters. Please
read "Repeating Characters" section below for additional information.
Note - The RATE parameter is overridden by the use of the USE FCLK
statement, although if FCLK input is not received by the processor for
about 3 seconds, the FLCS will revert to normal operation and the RATE
parameter will take effect. Please see "Use FLCK" command pg. 3.23.
Repeating Characters
Sooner or later you're bound to discover that sometimes a button will
continue to generate characters as long as you hold it down. It's no
accident. As a matter of fact we did it on purpose.
When you place a macro in an B50 BTN line it will generate that
command as long as you hold the button down. It's the same thing as
holding the key down on your keyboard. However, there are certain
button configurations that don't allow repeating characters.
Generally speaking, if a macro contains only one command, be it a
single character, or a shift, control, or alt character, it will
repeat it. The exception is when you have more than one command
within a macro.
For example, if we have a macro generate a "C" and an "F" this would
not repeat. If you pressed and held a button with this macro command
you would only get one "C" and one "F".
Most of the time you will never encounter any problems, but occasionally
you might run into a situation where repeating keys can cause problems.
For instance, there may be an instance where you have a single function
programmed to a button and it doesn't appear to operate correctly in the
Let's look at "BTN S1 Map" for example. Assume that in our M50 file
the Map macro for this button is defined as "z". That means that this
button will continue to repeats "z's" as long as you hold it down.
Let's say you want to pull up the map in your game. You press button #1
on your FLCS (BTN S1) and the map appears, but then disappears. It
may be that the button is generating z's too fast. You only need one "z"
to pull up the map, but the button may have produced two "z's" before
you released it.
One method for resolving this situation would be to adjust the rate and
slow down the speed at which the characters are generated. In most
cases this would work. (See "Rate Settings" pg. 3.16)
If adjusting the rate doesn't work, you can use the /N. As you might
recall this is one of the button modification codes (See "Force Single
Character Code" pg. 3.6). Using the /N code preceding a macro will
force the button to generate a single character per press. The button #1
line would then appear as "BTN S1 /N Map".
Always try and adjust the rate first, if you encounter a problem such as
this. Use the /N as a last resort, and remember that the /N would only be
necessary with a macro that repeated, and of course was not functioning
Using the RPT command instructs the characters or macros that follow
the RPT (nn) to repeat a specific number of times. Where 'nnn' specifies
the number of times the item is to be repeated, and is in the range 1-255.
The item repeated would be the one which immediately follows the RPT
command, (i.e., a repeat count could be applied to any single character
or a group of characters and commands enclosed in parentheses).
For example (in this example we will define button #1 with a keyboard
characters instead of a macro name) :
BTN S1 RPT(10) a
would send 10 'a' characters.
BTN S1 RPT(10) a b
would send 10 'a' characters followed by 1 'b' character.
BTN S1 RPT(10) (a b)
would send 'ab' ten times in a row.
BTN S1 (RPT(10) a b)
would send 10 'a' characters followed by 1 'b' character, but since the
whole thing is enclosed in parenthesis, it would be treated as a repeating
macro and thus the 10 'a' 1 'b' sequence would repeat so long as the
button was held.
RPT counts cannot be 'nested', (i.e. only a single repeat count may be
active at any time). For example:
BTN S1 RPT(10) a RPT(10) b
would be a valid statement, but:
BTN S1 RPT(10) (a RPT(10) b)
would not, since it asks that the second repeat count be repeated by the
The delay command lets you specify a time delay to be inserted in a
macro. The syntax is:
where nnnn is the time in milliseconds. The DLY command can appear
wherever a single character is legal, including being located within a
parenthetic group. For example:
BTN TG1 (SPC DLY(1000))
This would cause the trigger to generate a space character once per
second so long as the trigger were held down. A BTN statement could
include as many delay statements as were necessary.
Note that the delay statement and the macro it appears with must play to
completion before another key press can be recognized. Thus a short
delay will be found to be most useful, since a long delay will effectively
shut down all other button inputs until it has completed.
Another option available with the FLCS software is configuring digital
keyboard characters to the Joystick axis on the FLCS. These can be
programmed using the JSX and JSY instructions. JSX corresponds to
the X axis and JSY corresponds to the Y axis. Types 1, 2 and 3
processing are all supported and are defined in the following manner:
Type 1 will work somewhat like a Type 1 throttle and will be defined
JSX 1 nsteps left_char right_char center_char
The 'nsteps' value will be the number of steps to move the FLCS from
center to full left or full right. The "left_char" defines what character
will be generated when the stick is moved left. The "right_char" defines
what characters will be generated when the stick is moved right. The
"center_char" will be generated when the FLCS passes through the
center position to keep synchronization.
For example:
JSX 1 5 a d s
This would generate 5 'a' characters between center and full left when
moving the stick from center to full left. 5 'd's would be generated when
the stick is moved from full left to center. An 's' would be generated at
center, 5 more 'd's from center to full right, 5 'a's from full right to
center, and an 's' at center again.
Type 2 would again mimic it's type 2 throttle counterpart, generating
specific characters for each position.
JSX 2 nsteps full_left_chr.......center_char......full_right_char
The 'nsteps' value would include all the characters and would
necessarily be an odd number so that center could be determined. A
typical statement might look like:
JSX 2 5 a s d f g
This would generate an 'a' at full left, 's' at partial left, 'd'
at center, 'f' at partial right, and a 'g' at full right.
A third type of joystick input will be supported for sims where the key
has to be held down.
JSX 3 < t >
The center character will be included for sims that have a center stick
command, but could be a non-active character. The basic difference
between this type and a 3-step type 2 throttle is that the type 2 generates
a complete key press - key release sequence, whereas the type 3 generates
the key press when the stick is held left or right and the key release when
released. This allows the key to be 'held' through other button presses
without releasing.
If no JSX or JSY statement are present, the FLCS will be assumed
analog and will function as a normal joystick.
B50CAL.EXE & MK2CAL.EXE (Option E and K in Full Menu)
If you decide to program the joystick axis, you will need to calibrate the
axis for digital input. This involves running the FLCS Calibration
program. The FLCS calibration program can be found under option E in
the full menu. To get to the full menu press F10 from the standard menu
FLCS Calibration is similar in function to MK2CAL.EXE. One BIG
similarity is that when you run FLCS Calibration you MUST have JSX
(digital key presses on joystick X {roll} axis) and JSY (digital key
presses on joystick Y {pitch} axis) downloaded or you will be attempting
to calibrate nothing and running B50CAL will do nothing but occupy
your time in a useless exercise of pressing buttons and moving the stick
back and forth.
Simply put - if you use a joystick, or a throttle control (such as the
Mark II WCS) as an analog input, the calibration is controlled by
the software sim, game or program ALWAYS! This is true for ALL
joysticks and throttle controls run through a game card - whether
it is a WCS II, a throttle wheel, a throttle slider, a second
joystick y-axis. All these units are identical in function -
although they look different.
The only time Mark II Calibrate and FLCS Calibrate can be used is
after key presses are downloaded to the input that you are calibrating.
Mark II Calibrate will calibrate the Mark II WCS throttle handle
spreading the KEYS you have programmed to it across the throttle
travel. If you have no keys downloaded, or you have the WCS II
in analog mode, and you run Mark II Calibrate you will spread
nothing over the throttle travel and the next time you attempt
to use an ADV file with digital throttle commands in it (i.e.
the WCS II RED mode switch is used in digital), the throttle will
appear to not work properly and you will have to run Mark
II Calibrate to fix it. The same is true for the digital inputs
that FLCS Calibrator, calibrates.
The FLCS uses configuration statements to instruct it on what other
types of ThrustMaster controls are being used.
This instructs the FLCS to activate the MK2 Slave mode. This allows
the Mark II WCS to be used with FLCS B50 files, and to include all the
specific commands for the MK2 configuring. When this statement is
present in the B50 file, the C&CC will download a special file to Mark II
WCS so that all the configuring is handled through the FLCS.
Normal MK2 configuring commands are suspended in this mode, the
inputs being referenced in the FLCS B50 file as T1 through T8, with T1
through T6 corresponding to the BTN 1 through BTN 6 inputs. The T7
and T8 inputs correspond to the RKR UP and RKR DN inputs.
Note that there are changes in the configuring syntax when using Mark
II WCS with the FLCS. Please read the "Using the Mark II with the
FLCS" section in the User's Guide.
FCLK = Frame Clock
This instructs the FLCS to base it's character timing on the frame rate of
the simulator. This is useful for sims which only allow one character
code per frame to keep the throttle and other characters synchronized
with the sim itself.
The characters will be clocked out of the FLCS at the rate of one per
frame. If an FCLK input is not seen by the FLCS processor for a period
of approximately 3 seconds, the FLCS will revert to normal operation,
basing it's character timing on the RATE parameter. FCLK operation
will resume as soon as the processor sees the FCLK signals begin again.
FCLK signals are generated whenever a program accesses the joystick
If for some reason you find the need, there is the option of using basic
keyboard scan codes for defining the FLCS and/or WCS button and
switch inputs. For instance you may enter raw keyboard scan codes for
those situations where a sim, game or program uses a non-native key
(Print Screen, Pause/Break key, etc.) instead of the key designation.
For a list of keyboard scan codes please see the appendix.
For example:
BTN S1 RAW (#1C #F0 #1C)
would produce a press and release of the key " a", and
BTN S1 RAW (#E0 #12 #E0 #7C #E0 #F0 #7C #E0 #F0 12)
would produce a press and release of the Print Screen key.
Note: These likely will be turned into Macro's by ThrustMaster tech
support personnel. For example
PrintScreen/P/R = RAW (#E0 #12 #E0 #7C #E0 #F0 #7C #E0 #F0
Included with your F-16 FLCS software are a number of utility and
diagnostic programs, as well as fun goodies.
A special file viewer has been added to C&CC which takes effect after a
certain period of time has elapsed and the keyboard is inactive. The
following parameters must be defined in TM.CFG for this feature to
work properly:
Parameter Description
QUOTEFILE = Quotation file to display after DELAYTIME seconds of
keyboard inactivity. The default setting is QUOTES.TXT.
DELAYTIME = Duration of keyboard inactivity time, in seconds, before
QUOTEFILE specified above is displayed, e.g. DELAYTIME=300
would cause a delay of 5 minutes before displaying
QUOTEFILE (assuming there is no keyboard activity either).
QUOTECOLOR = Foreground color used to display quotations. A description
of all color settings is provided in TM.CFG.
The background color is always black (color 0).
BYLINECOLOR = Foreground color used to display quotation bylines.
The following commands can be used when a quotation file
is being displayed:
P = Pause PgDn = Next Quote PgUp = Previous Quote
Any Other Key = Return to Main C&CC Screen
NOTE: You can display quotes at any time by pressing <F9> at
C&CC's core menu screen.
Now you can cut, copy and paste B50, and M50 file lines from within
C&CC's editor at the click of a mouse button or the press of a key.
Here's an example of how this feature works:
1. Select option "D" (Create/Edit File) at the main menu screen
and choose an existing file to edit. This will place you in
the editor.
2. Use the up and down arrow keys or left-click with your mouse to
move to a line in the file (any line will do).3. Press ALT-S to
"select" that line. You'll notice that a small check-mark now
appears at the left margin of the screen, adjacent to the line
you just selected. If you press ALT-S once more, the check
mark will disappear. For now, leave the check mark there.
You can also select a line with your mouse by either
right-clicking on the far-left side of the screen
(where the check mark is visible), or left-clicking on
the bottom of the text window where the letter "S" appears
or where you see the word "Select." You can select as
few or as many lines as you like. When you're finished
selecting a few lines, continue with step 3.
3. Selected lines can be deleted from the file or copied. Press ALT-C
to copy the lines you selected. You can also press ALT-D to
delete selected lines. Deleted and copied lines are copied
to a holding file in the C:\TM directory called TEMP.FLE.
Deleted lines are removed from the file and copied lines
remain. You can copy or delete selected lines with your
mouse by left-clicking on the appropriate indicators at the
bottom of the text window.
4. Now that you've copied some lines from the file, you can paste
them back into the file at another location. Use the arrow
keys to position the line cursor at another location and
press ALT-P. You will be asked to confirm your choice.
Press "Y" or left-click on "Yes." The lines you previously
copied will be pasted into the file just above the cursor.
You can copy or delete lines from one file and paste them
into another. The cut, copy, and paste feature provides
you with a powerful tool for file creation and editing.
One note of caution: each time you copy or delete lines
from a file you overwrite the contents of TEMP.FLE, so make
sure you promptly paste any deleted or copied lines that you
Any editing changes you make to a file while in the editor will only
become permanent if you save the file by pressing <F6>.
The core menu can be changed to the full screen. Pressing F10 will
toggle you between the two menu options. For most people the standard
menu offers all the necessary selections for maximizing all the functions
of your F-16 FLCS.
The advanced menu offers a few additional options beyond those of the
standard. Many of the advanced options are explained in the following
You can now display up to three menu items of your choosing in the
upper right-hand window of C&CC's main screen. The title displayed
for this window is also user-definable. Options for this feature are
defined in the C&CC configuration file, TM.CFG. The following
parameters in the TM.CFG file have been added to support this feature:
Parameter Description
TITLE = The menu title to display in the upper right-hand window.
UTILITY1 = The name you would like to appear on the menu as option
E, e.g. "Run Diagnostics."
option E, e.g. "C:\DOS\MSD.EXE."
UTILDL1 = The Drive:\Directory\Filename for a B50 or ADV file to
download in conjunction with UTILPROG1. This setting is
UTILITY2 = The name you would like to appear on the menu as option F.
UTILDL2 = See UTILDL1 above.
UTILITY3 = The name you would like to appear on the menu as option G.
UTILDL3 = See UTILDL1 above.
In the lower window of the C&CC menu there are options for running
your frequently used flight sims directly from the menu. The default
programs are Falcon 3.0Ö and Hornet. If you have these games
loaded on your hard drive, and placed in the default directory, you can
use these options. If you don't have Falcon or Hornet you can change F5
and F6 options to games you do have. They can be changed in your
Mark2.CFG file. For instructions on how to make this change see page
JSTK/TMScope (F2 Option)
Included with your F-16 FLCS software is a diagnostic program called
TM Scope or TMS for short. This software provides you with a tool for
diagnosing your controls and game card. This program is accessed by
selecting F2-JSTK from standard menu.
(To learn how to use this diagnostic program please read the following
From your C&CC menu select JSTK from the bottom of the screen. The
TMS help that follows, provides the information that you will need to set
TMS up on your system. This will allow you to analyze and adjust your
gaming hardware for best performance.
Note - You must have a mouse (I can hear all the wise cracks coming) to
use the TMSCOPE program.
TMScope Setup
Before you can make full use of the TMScope program, you must
configure it to match the hardware connected to your system. This is
necessary so TMScope can accurately display and calibrate your control
devices. Setup is accomplished by using the Port Selector to choose the
port you want to configure, then using the SET HARDWARE option to
fill out an Equipment List for the selected port.
Port ID's
The ports are referenced with a number/letter combination which
indicates the card number (1-4) and the port on the card (A or B). The
TM ACM card with factory jumpers in place will use Ports 1/A and 1/B.
Non-ACM cards and virtually all current software only support Port 1/A.
There's a listing of all of the actual I/O ports for each ID in the 'HELP'
section on the Port Selector.
Selecting Equipment
When you select the SET HARDWARE option it brings up the TMScope
Equipment List. This shows all of the devices supported by TMS, as
well as some generic options for devices that aren't specifically listed.
Simply use the mouse to check the box next to each piece of equipment
that you have connected to the port. TMS will ensure that you don't
assign conflicting equipment to a single port.
Analog Types
Most analog control devices fall into two groups, Centering and Non-
Centering. Centering devices are those that return to center position
when they are released, like joysticks, rudder pedals, and steering
wheels. Non-Centering controls either return to one end of travel when
released or else they don't return to any position at all. Throttles
mechanisms usually fall into this category.
Analog Input References
TMS uses X1, Y1, X2, and Y2, to refer to the 4 analog inputs on the
port. These correspond to the way the inputs would be used if two
joysticks were connected to the game port in a standard two stick setup.
Other equipment may be used, for instance throttles and rudders, but the
X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 input references are always used to refer to them
throughout TMScope for consistency.
Generic Controls
For equipment that isn't specifically shown on the Equipment List, you
can use the generic devices. There are Centering and Non-Centering
selections for all analog channels, as well as four references for analog
buttons. To use these, determine which of the analog and button inputs
the device uses. Then check all the inputs which are used, choosing
Centering or Non-Cntrg for each analog input as appropriate.
Saving Your Configuration
Once you've checked off all the equipment for the selected port, press the
DONE button to return to the main screen. Repeat the process for all
ports on which you have equipment connected. When all ports have
been configured, select the SAVE CONFIG option to save your
configuration to disk. It will be reloaded automatically when TMScope
is run. You'll need to reconfigure only if you change controls.
Calibration Positions
Whether a device centers or not determines its correct position for
using the RECAL TMS option. Centering type devices should be centered.
Non-Centering devices should be set to their maximum value position.
Control devices that will return to one end of their travel when
released do this automatically. Others need to be moved there.
Use the 'Now' value in the Raw Data Display and move the control
to the end that gives the highest reading.
Sample Setup
Suppose you have an FCS, an RCS, and a WCS MkII connected to your
primary game port To set it up:
1. Use the PORT SELECTOR to set Port 1/A
2. Push SET HARDWARE to bring up the Equipment List
3. Check the boxes marked RCS and WCS2/FCS/Hat
4. Push DONE to exit
5. Push SAVE CONFIG to save the configuration to disk
6. TMScope setup is complete
Card/Port Selector
The CARD/PORT Selector is in the top right corner of the main TMS
screen. It is used to select the game card and port. TMS will use it for
port analysis and hardware selection. Port 1/A is the port which most
applications use.
Physical Port Assignments
1/A - 201 - Currently the only dual-port address used by games.
1/B - 209
2/A - 203
2/B - 20B
3/A - 205
3/B - 20D
4/A - 207
4/B - 20F
Recal TMS
The RECAL TMS Button is used to recalibrate the TMScope Display
and to reset the values for MIN and MAX in the RAW DATA Display.
To recalibrate, center sticks and rudders, release the FCS hat switch,
and pull any throttles, etc all the way back, then just click the
button. This selection in no way affects the calibration of any
of your controls when you are in a game.
Recal Speed
With the RECAL SPEED Button, you can set your adjustable-speed
game card for a value which has been found suitable for use in most
games. To adjust card speed, center the joystick. If you have an FCS the
hat must be released. If there's a WCS II, place the RED switch in
DIGITAL and the BLACK switch in ANALOG. Press and hold the
RECAL SPEED button. Adjust card speed to center the PORT SPEED
Set Hardware
This selection brings up the Equipment Checklist for the port currently
selected. It is used to tell TMS what equipment you have connected to
your game card so TMS can correctly display and calibrate. To select
equipment, use your mouse to check all of the boxes applying to the
selected port. TMS will not let you assign two devices to any single port
which would conflict with each other.
Load Config
Use this selection to load the current hardware configuration stored on
disk. TMS will reload your configuration automatically when the
program starts.
Save Config
Use this selection to save your current hardware configuration to disk.
The configuration saved will be reloaded automatically whenever TMS is
run, so you don't need to reconfigure each time.
TMS Help
The TMS HELP selection is used to access the TMS Help Screens.
TMS Info
The TMS INFO button will display Version and Copyright data about
TMS. Press a mouse button or key to exit this screen.
Exit TMS
Use EXIT TMS or press ESC twice to leave TMS and return to DOS.
Analog Display
The Analog Display is the main feature of the TMS Display. It shows,
graphically, the position of all four of the analog inputs on the currently
selected port. You can use the display to check the range of movement
of your joysticks, etc. In the lower left corner of the Analog Display is
the FCS hat display. It indicates the position of the FCS hat switch if
your system includes one.
Port Speed Display
The Port Speed Display is located in the top left corner of the TMScope
display. It is used by the RECAL SPEED option to adjust the speed of
your game card.
Port Buttons Display
The Port Button Display is used to indicate the current state of the 4
switch inputs to the port. It is located at the left of the TMScope
display, just below the Port Speed Display.
Raw Data Display
The Raw Data Display shows Min, Current, and Max values for each of
the ports analog inputs. This display is right below the Port Button
Display on the left side of the TMScope screen. Use this display to
check the range of values returned by any of the four analog inputs on
the currently selected port. Min and Max values will be reset by TMS
whenever you recalibrate using the RECAL TMS Button.
The File Viewer/Printer (Option "A")
The file viewer is a simple program that allows you to view any DOS
ASCII files, such as any WCS program files (*.ADV, *.MDF), FLCS
program files (*.B50, *.M50), or DOS Batch file (*.BAT). From within
the viewer, you can also print the file you're looking at. The File
Directory Window (explained earlier in this section) is used to help you
select a file to view. The following keys are active from within the
UP ARROW Move screen one line up.
DOWN ARROW Move screen one line down.
HOME Show/Jump to the first line in the file.
END Show/Jump to the last line in the file.
PGUP The PgUp key is used to scroll up one screen.
PGDN The PgDn key is used to scroll down one
P Press the "P" key to print the file you're
viewing. You can setup the printer by using
various parameters in the MARK2.CFG file.
Refer to the MARK2.CFG section for more
information on these settings.
F The "F" key is used to execute the Find
command. This allows you to look for any
word in the current file. The word entered
will be highlighted if found.
ESC Exits the File Viewer/Printer program.
Boot Camp (Option G)
Boot Camp is a separate stand-alone program which is now provided
with your C&CC software. Boot Camp provides you with a powerful
tool for managing your computer's configuration.
Today more than ever, it's almost impossible to find one configuration
that can meet all of your gaming needs. With MS-DOS versions 6 and
higher, you can create a large multi-configuration CONFIG.SYS file that
allows you to create a menu of options from which you can select the
desired configuration. The CHOICE command can also be used to
control the execution of commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. An
alternative approach is to create and manage separate AUTOEXEC.BAT
and CONFIG.SYS files for various types of applications. One benefit to
this approach is that you can use DOS' MEMAKER utility or QEMM's
OPTIMIZE to maximize the memory savings for each configuration.
This cannot be done with a single, large multi-configuration file. With
Boot Camp, you can easily manage and control separate configuration
Use the left and right arrow keys to move from window to window. The
up and down arrow keys can be used to scroll the text in each window.
You can also use the PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys within each
window. To reboot with different AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
files, select the appropriate file name in the 'FILE' window and press
<ENTER>. Make certain the 'FILE' window is the active window. You
can edit the indicated file by selecting its window and pressing 'E', or
using your mouse to left-click on [FILE], [*.BAT], or [*.SYS]. NOTE:
Press <ESC> at any time to exit from BOOT CAMP and return to DOS.
You should *ALWAYS* have a boot disk handy prior to rebooting your
computer with a new configuration. You can make a boot disk from the
DOS prompt by placing an unformatted disk in drive A: and typing
'FORMAT A: \S'. If you run into any problems when you reboot from
your hard drive, use your floppy boot disk to gain access to your system,
then edit your hard drive AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files as
necessary to correct the problem. When you reboot with a new
configuration, backup copies are always made of the existing
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files (they are copied to the root
directory as AUTOEXEC.BAC and CONFIG.BAC, respectively).
BOOT CAMP provides you with a dynamic method for choosing,
editing, and rebooting from a variety of AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS file combinations. You must first create a text file called
BOOTCAMP.CFG. This can be done with any standard text editor. If
you use your word processor, make sure you save the file as an ASCII
file. The contents of BOOTCAMP.CFG must follow a certain format for
the program to work correctly. The first time you run BOOT.EXE it will
attempt to create BOOTCAMP.CFG for you by copying your existing
ORIGINAL.SYS, respectively.
Here is the format for each entry in the BOOTCAMP.CFG file:
[NAME] _ The root filename of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS files, stored as [NAME].BAT and [NAME].SYS.
[NAME] can be anything meaningful, like NORMAL.BAT and
[NAME] must contain only valid DOS filename characters.
You can have as many as 100 separate NAMES in BOOTCAMP.CFG
Description _ up to 76 characters which describe the contents of a
particular set of boot files, e.g., Falcon 3.0 - 622K RAM, 256K Cache,
2+ Megs EMS.
Each of these components must appear on a separate line. Here's a
sample of a typical BOOTCAMP.CFG file:
622K RAM,SmartDrive,Mouse,2 Megs EMS
No TSRs or Drivers of Any Kind
610K RAM,256K Cache,2+ Meg RAMDISK
It's a good idea to use upper-case letters for the [NAME] lines
so that they can be more easily distinguished.
Next, you need to create separate [NAME].BAT and [NAME].SYS files
for each menu entry using a standard text file editor (try DOS'
EDIT.COM). [NAME].BAT should contain all the commands you
would use in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for that application, while
[NAME].SYS should contain the CONFIG.SYS file options. [NAME]
must match the root filename used in your BOOTCAMP.CFG file.
All of the [NAME].BAT and [NAME].SYS files must be in your root
directory, along with BOOTCAMP.CFG.
You can add an optional line to your BOOTCAMP.CFG file which Boot
Camp uses to determine what text editor to run when you edit a Boot
Camp file. Just add a line to BOOTCAMP.CFG like this:
If you use the 'EDITOR=' parameter in your BOOTCAMP.CFG file,
make sure your path statement includes the directory which contains
FILENAME.EXT. If you omit the 'EDITOR=' setting from your
BOOTCAMP.CFG file, Boot Camp will attempt to use DOS'
EDIT.COM program.
You can also add optional parameters to your BOOTCAMP.CFG file to
control the color scheme. The following is a list of the available color
BackDropFG= 'Controls the foreground color for the panel
'beneath the screen.
BackDropBG= 'Panel background color.
WindowFG= 'Foreground color for windows 2,3, and 4.
WindowBG= 'Background color for windows 2,3, and 4.
CursorFG= 'Foreground color, cursor line.
CursorBG= 'Background color, cursor line.
FileFG= 'Foreground color, boot file choice and
'desription box.
FileBG= 'Background color, boot file choice.
Acceptable foreground color choices are:
0=Black 1=Blue 2=Green 3=Cyan 4=Red 5=Violet 6=Brown
7=White 8=Grey 9=BrightBlue 10=BrightGreen
11=BrightCyan 12=BrightRed 13=BrightPurple 14=Yellow
The background colors must be chosen from foreground colors 0-7. As
an example, the following color settings would make the window
foregound color Black and the background color Cyan:
When you select a file from the top-left window, the [NAME].BAT file
is copied as AUTOEXEC.BAT and the [NAME].SYS is copied as
CONFIG.SYS. The program gives you the option of performing either a
warm or cold boot. The computer then restarts with the new files and
automatically installs your new configuration. You can reboot directly
from the DOS prompt by typing in 'BOOT NAME' and pressing
<Enter>, where NAME is the root filename used for your
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, stored as [NAME].BAT and
Using the DOS Window (Option L)
The DOS Window provides a convenient way to run a variety of DOS
commands without exiting the C&CC program. Simply type in a
command like DIR and press ENTER to execute the command.
Alternatively, you can also press ALT-L when in the DOS Window to
bring up the File Directory Window (described in an earlier section),
where you can change directories and delete files.
The TM.CFG Settings
The TM.CFG file contains settings that determine how the C&CC
program will run. It is here that you'll find the settings for the
path to your B50 files, how many spaces a TAB key will jump in the ADV
Editor, the settings for screen colors and various other common as well
as esoteric settings. (If you happen to make a mistake, we have included
a .BAT file that will restore the TM.CFG to its original default
Select option "K" [Run Program].
When you select "M" for Configuration File in the main menu, C&CC
will start the DOS Edit (EDIT.COM) program and load the TM.CFG file
automatically. In order for the "M" option to work, C:\DOS needs to be
in your Path statement in your Autoexec.bat. EDIT.COM is usually
found in the default DOS directory and therefore should already be
included in the path. If this option doesn't work for you, 1) check to
make sure that EDIT.COM is in your DOS directory and 2) ensure that
the directory where EDIT.COM resides is included in the DOS path.
Please refer to your DOS manual in order to add the "PATH=" statement
to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and for more information about using
EDIT.COM_the DOS editor.
Tip: EDIT.COM is a text file editor that is included with every DOS
versions 5 and 6. You can use your favorite text editor instead by
changing the "Editor=" line in the TM.CFG file.
TM.CFG is a regular DOS text file, or what is frequently called an
ASCII text file. You can easily modify or edit this file with any ASCII
text editor. The settings for the various parameters are simply typed in
the common "parameter=setting" format.
You can add comments to any line in the file by proceeding them with a
single quote (the ' key, which is beside the ENTER and the semi-colon
key). If the line begins with a single quote, the whole line is treated
as a comment. Otherwise, the line is treated as a setting until a
single quote is found_which signifies that the remainder of the line
is a comment. The following is a listing of all the parameters that
can be included in the TM.CFG file. If this file gets corrupted for
some reason or another, simply run the RESTCFG.BAT file to restore
everything to their default settings. To make editing this file
easier, you'll find comments following each setting in the TM.CFG file.
The following settings affect the Editor:
NOTE: See F1-Hlp from main menu screen for valuable information on
how to best utilize the features made available through this CFG file.
DOWNLOAD=B50LOAD.EXE 'C&CC download program;use 'B50LOAD.EXE' for the
'FLCS, MK2LOAD.EXE' for the new and improved WCS
'Mark II, or 'DOWNLOAD.EXE' for the original WCS.
TM=C:\TM\B50PROGS 'Directory which contains FLCS files. Use
'TM=C:\TM\MK2PROGS' if you have the WCS and NOT
'the FLCS.
TMEXT=*.B50 'Default extension for FLCS program files
TEMPLATE=TEMPLATE.B50 'Template file to use when creating new
'FLCS B50 files. Use 'TEMPLMDF.MK2' for
'the WCS with the new chip and 'TEMPLATE.MK2'
'for the older WCS with the original microcode.
VERSION=NEW 'This setting is unnecessary if you have the
'FLCS. If you only have the WCS Mark II,
'use VERSION=NEW' for the new chip or
'VERSION=ORIGINAL for the older version of
'the Mark II WCS.
EDITMODE=INTERNAL 'Command & Control Center editor; use 'EXTERNAL'
'for your DOS Editor, or 'INTERNAL for C&CC's
TABSETTING=5 'TAB setting used during the edit of Mark II files.
FILEWINDOW=FULL 'Size of top-left file window in Create/Edit File
'screen; use 'FULL' or 'PARTIAL'.
DLMETHOD=1 'Download method for C&CC; use '1' for default
'method or '2' for the backup method.
JOYCAL=TMS.EXE 'Default joystick calibration program.
MENU=1 'Use MENU=1 for simplified menu layout or MENU=2
'for advanced menu layout. NOTE: You can
'press <F10> at the main menu screen to toggle
'between the simplified and advanced menu layouts.
MK2MEMSIZE=128 'Set C&CC WCS default ram memory size.
'******************************SCREEN BLANKER*****************
QUOTEFILE=C:\TM\QUOTES.TXT 'Quotation file to display after
'{DelayTime} seconds of keyboard inactivity.
DELAYTIME=60 'Time in seconds to wait before displaying
'the quotation file specified above. Set
'DELAYTIME=0 to disable the screen blank feature.
QUOTECOLOR=6 'Quotation foreground color (see Color Settings
'option below for a description of color codes).
'The background color is always 0 (black).
BYLINECOLOR=2 'Byline foreground color.
'The following commands can be used when a quotation file is being
'P = Pause PgDn = Next Quote PgUp = Previous Quote
'Any Other Key = Return to Main C&CC Screen
'NOTE: You can display quotes at any time by pressing <F9> at the Main
'C&CC Menu Screen.
*************PROGRAM/UTILITY SETTINGS****************************
TITLE=PROGRAMS & UTILITIES 'Menu Title-Upper Right-Hand
UTILITY1=FLCS Calibration 'Title For Menu Option "E".
UTILPROG1=C:\TM\B50CAL 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For
'Option "E".
UTILDL1= 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For File to Download
'in Conjunction With Utility Program 1. This
'setting is Optional.
UTILITY2=DOS TEXT EDITOR 'Title For Menu Option "F"
UTILPROG2=C:\DOS\EDIT.COM /H 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For
'Menu 'Option "F".
UTILDL2= 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For File to Download in
'Conjunction With Utility Program 2. This setting
'is Optional.
UTILITY3=BOOT CAMP 'Title For Menu Option "G"
UTILPROG3=C:\TM\BOOT.EXE 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For Menu
'Option "G".
UTILDL3= 'Drive:\Directory\Filename For File to
'Download in conjunction With Utility Program 3.
'This setting is Optional.
EDITOR=EDIT.COM /H 'Ascii text file editor (Use {filename.ext} of your editor) You may add the /H after
'EDIT.COM to display the maximum number of
'lines your video display will show. Use
'EDITOR=EDIT.COM /H for max display line.
BATCH=C:\TM\ 'Directory for batch files.
BATCH_ECHO=ON 'Set ECHO "ON" or "OFF" in batch files.
******************MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS****************************
KEYTEST=TEXT 'Run Keytest in GRAPHICS or TEXT mode.
HELP=C:\TM\B50HELP.TXT 'Help file.
USERTITLE=Falcon3 'Title for user-defined program_1 (Option F5
'on Main Screen).
USERPROGRAM=C:\TM\F30ANLG.BAT 'Drive\directory\filename for user-defined
USERDL=*.B50 'C&CC download file
USERTITLE2=Hornet 'Title for user-defined program_2 (Option F6 on
'Main Screen)
USERPROGRAM2=C:\TM\HORNTANL.BAT 'Drive\directory\filename for
'user-defined program_2.
USERDL2=*.B50 'C&CC download file
CREDITS=ON 'Use ON to show credit screen at start-up, OFF
'to skip.
*****************PROGRAM SETTINGS*******************************
SORTPROG=TRUE 'Sort programs in alphabetical order; use TRUE
'or FALSE.
TRANSITION=TRUE 'Show transition screen before loading
program '(use TRUE or FALSE).
'Type in the drive:\directory\filename for your favorite programs below:
'Note - use DL=*.B50 to choose the B50 file to download from
'a list of all B50 files in C:\TM\B50PROGS.
PROG=C:\B50TEST\FLCS-MK2.EXE 'Load FLCS/WCS II Interface program.
PROG=C:\B50TEST\B50CAL.EXE 'Run Block 50 Calibrate Program.
PROG=C:\DOS\MSD 'Run Microsoft's Diagnostics Program.
PROG=C:\DOS\HELP DOS help file.
PROG=C:\AOTK\AOTK.EXE 'Run Art of the Kill CD Rom.
PROG=C:\CSERVE\CIM.EXE 'Run Compu$pend.
PROG=C:\SPACESIM\SS1 DL=*.B50 'Microsoft Space Sim.
PROG=C:\TM\EDIT.COM /H 'Run EDIT.COM in max lines mode.
PROG=C:\TM\F30DIG.BAT DL=*.B50 'Falcon - Digital Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\F30ANLG.BAT DL=*.B50 'Falcon -Analog Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\FS5CESS.BAT DL=*.B50 'FS5 - Cessna
PROG=C:\TM\FS5LEAR.BAT DL=*.B50 'FS5 - Learjet
PROG=C:\TM\HORNTDIG.BAT DL=*.B50 'Hornet -Digital Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\HORNTANL.BAT DL=*.B50 'Hornet - Analog Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\M29DIG.BAT DL=*.B50 'MiG-29 Digital Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\M29ANLG.BAT DL=*.B50 'MiG-29 Analog Throttle.
PROG=C:\TM\TORNADO.BAT DL=*.B50 'Tornado - Digital Throttle.
PROG=C:\FCU\KCC.BAT 'Keyboard Commander Corps FCU Menu.
PROG=C:\TM\PROGRAMS\EDIT.COM /H 'Run EDIT.COM in max lines mode.
PROG=C:\TM\RESET.BAT 'Restore the TM.CFG file to the
' default settings.
PROG=C:\TM\TESTCARD.BAT 'Test for active game card.
PROG=C:\TM\TESTKYBD.BAT 'Test BIOS/Kybd Controller Compatability
'against the 100 per cent IBM PC Standard.
******************PRINTER SETTINGS*******************************
PRPORT=1 'Printer parallel port (LPT1, 2, 3, 4, 99, or 999) NOTE:
'If your printer refuses to print, try PRPORT=99 or
LPP=56 'Lines per page for file printing.
CPL=78 'Characters per line for file printing.
LEFTMARGIN=1 'Left margin for file printing.
****************C&CC* COLOR SETTINGS********************************
PAPER=7 'Paper color for text viewing screens - choices are:
INK=0 'Ink color for text viewing screens - choices are:
BOX1TITLE=15 'Main menu title box (ink) color.
BOX1PAPER=3 'Main menu title box paper color.
BOX2PAPER=7 'Box 2 paper color.
BOX2TITLE=14 'Box 2 title (ink) color.
BOX3PAPER=6 'Box 3 paper color.
BOX3TITLE=14 'Box 3 title (ink) color.
BOX4INK=15 'Box 4 ink color (BATCH FILES).
BOX4PAPER=2 'Box 4 paper color.
BOX4TITLE=14 'Box 4 title (ink) color.
BOX5INK=0 'Box 5 ink color (MISCELLANEOUS).
BOX5PAPER=3 'Box 5 paper color.
BOX5TITLE=14 'Box 5 title (ink) color.
DLTITLEINK=15 'DL Title Block.
DLTITLEPAPER=3 'DL Title Background.
DLPROMPTINK=14 'DL Prompt Area Text.
DLPROMPTPAPER=7 'DL Prompt Area Background.
DLPROMPTTITLE=15 'DL Prompt Area Title.
DLMSSGINK=15 'DL Message Area Text.
DLMSSGPAPER=4 'DL Message Area Background.
DLMSSGTITLE=14 'DL Message Area Title.
DLBEEP=1 'DL Beep OFF=0, ON=1.
DLDIM=1 'DL Prompt Dimming OFF=0, ON=1.
DLDELAY=0 'DL Delay Before Keyboard Send in Milliseconds
'i.e. DLDELAY=10 wait 10 milliseconds before
'sending the download information to the
'Mark II WCS. Use only if your Mark II WCS
'refuses to download.